Sunday, February 28, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

"You Give Her the Last Word..."

relationship advice from one of the greats:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

He-MAN and the Masters of the Universe

Nothing could be more manly than this Man. He's shirtless and has a battle cat.

"Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said, 'By the power of grey skull, I have the power!' "

Let those with swords have the power.

Monday, January 11, 2010

A tragedy beyond measure

Prior to stumbling upon this article I failed to understand the impact that a fallen economy can have on mankind. Sure, I've seen those closest to me struggle to find work. Yes, I've personally seen investments reduced to pennies. Even now I find myself staring at the foliage filled effigy of our president backed by an American flag on the front of a Chia Obama package asking, "When will we rise to where we once were?"
Then I read about a man who knows a thing or two about rising high and his individual struggle to find work. Just remember, you're not alone in this recession. While we all feel its effects, we each have something to be proud of and that alone should cause us as a nation of men to stand tall and firm in our resolve to grow from this experience.

Unemployment Takes a Shot at Manhood

Hang in there Jonah.

Monday, January 4, 2010

7th Inning Stache

This is a thing of beauty: A blog dedicated to profiling the best mustaches in the Majors. They've also compiled a Hall of Fame for MLB mustaches, including some of my favorites:

Angel great, Bobby Grich, with the classic beauty.

Diamondbacks pitcher, Clay Zavada, with the Throwback

And Rod Beck with my vote for the greatest of all-time.

Also on the list: Dennis Eckersley, Wade Boggs, and the Crime Dog Fred McGriff.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Be a Better Man in 30 Days

In June, our friends over at The Art of Manliness published their "30 Days to a Better Man" and I thought you'd be interested in what they had to say.

Some of my personal faves:

#2) Shine your Shoes

#13) Declutter your Life

#18) "Find your N.U.T.s" (a.k.a. your "Non-Negotiable, Unalterable Terms")

#30) Get a Straight Razor Shave

Even implementing a few of these will certainly increase your manliness and make you a better man to be around. And isn't that what the Manblog is really all about?

Check out all of 30 of their suggestions here.